
Luminous Echo (D&D 5E, Anima, Pathfinder compatible)

Created by Project Lux

Luminous Echo is a world containing ten years' worth of lore, characters, artifacts, and amazing weapons by world renowned artist Wen-M

Latest Updates from Our Project:

First update in 2017!
over 7 years ago – Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 09:31:27 PM

Hey everyone!

We would like to show you a few cool things we have been up to!

First, we want to share some more cool designs we have worked on with custom tier backers.

Second, one of the guest artists from our stretch goal, dinmoney,  has started working on his illustration for Luminous Echo! Additionally, he streamed it on twitch! (, we are extremely honored to see it happen live! If you are interested, you can check out the VODs of his sessions here. Please send him some love and support if like them!



Lastly, Wen-M has started working on the epic book cover!!


Its been a while!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 07:31:31 PM

Hey everyone!

It has been a while since our last update. We have been working hard with the custom design tier backers to bring their ideas to life! Even though the back and forth communication takes time, we are very excited with the quality content that came to fruition.

Here is a sneak peek for you guys!

Durand & Enclablossa
Durand & Enclablossa

More will follow! On the next update we'll be wrapping up the community designed hero, we should have a few sketches for you guys to vote on!

Backerkit Survey

The majority of backers have completed their survey, thank you!

For those of you that have not completed the survey, please visit

If you are having issues with the backerkit survey please see or contact us!

Survey, Backerkit, and the Backerkit Shop
over 7 years ago – Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 09:26:34 PM

Hello everyone!

Been a little quiet since the last update, we have mainly been waiting on kickstarter to finalize the campaign pledges.


We will be sending out the surveys via backerkit in the next few days. As we have mentioned previously we will be using backerkit to manage the campaign pledges and surveys. We will be collecting your shipping information through the pledge manager. Depending on your reward tiers you will be asked to provide different information.

Backerkit Shop

We will also be setting up an add-on and pre-order shop so those of you who have missed the campaign or wish to add an additional item to your current pledge will have a chance to make the additional purchases. The backerkit shop will also help us greatly to make up for the difference in the last 2 stretch goals we have unlocked. (bookmarks and the forgotten king chapter that we have unlocked after the campaign for you guys)

After the surveys have gone out we will make an update next week to continue our next round of polls on the community hero design!

We did it!!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Oct 04, 2016 at 12:18:56 AM

Hey everyone!! Here are a few messages from the Luminous Echo team.

Looking forward

The campaign has concluded on Friday. We ending up getting 508 backers and reaching over 320% of the original funding goal. In the last 48 hours of the campaign we managed to gain over 120 new backers! Thank you all for hopping on board to kick start Luminous Echo!

The campaign was a success, but it is merely the first step for Luminous Echo. The team will be working tirelessly to ensure the highest quality of we are able to deliver for this book. We have big plans for this Luminous Echo IP, so we will not fall short on the first title. We will be making regular updates to let you guys know what is going on with the project, as well as exciting news of upcoming products under the Luminous Echo brand.


We will be managing the campaign pledges and surveys on backerkit, which will allow you guys a more in-depth management for your pledges and rewards. You will be able to make changes to your pledge rewards, as well as picking up additional items from the pre-order shop.

Stretch goals

We plan to unlock the two unlocked stretch goals, the forgotten king chapter at 43k and the bookmark stretch goal that was replaced with the system stats ones. It is our gesture of appreciation for your overwhelming support! Even though we fell short on the 43k goal by 1k. Hopefully we will be able to make up the differences by keeping the campaign momentum going on the backerkit pre-order shop.

Final Hours
over 7 years ago – Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 11:39:19 PM

Hey everyone

We’re in last 36 hours of the Luminous Echo Kickstarter campaign. We have surpassed the $37k cad mark, which means several other amazing artists will be joining the team to contribute to the diversity of the world! (danhoward, dinmoney, elsevilla, genzoman, ronindude, shilin, thechamba)

We still have enough time for a last minute jump to our $43k cad final goal and unlock The Chapter of the Forgotten King! This will add a lot of extra content to flesh out the world! 

If you haven’t pledged yet, please remember that every dollar counts! And if you’re in the U.S., every dollar counts for more than you think, since the stretch goal is measured in Canadians Dollars! 

If you have pledged and can reach a little deeper into your heart and your pockets to up your pledge to the next tier, please do so! 

If you don’t have the means to pledge financially but you still want to help, spread the word to anyone you think might be interested, or post about it anywhere you think it might be appropriate to do so! You’ll be doing almost as much for us as if you backed us! If you have a reddit account, you can also help us by up-voting our reddit post on /rpg for additional exposure! (Click here for the post)

But most importantly, we want to thank each and every person who has supported us this far! We’ve already succeeded thanks to you, and we’re poised to make it go ever further! Thank you for everything you’ve done to bring us so far!

Miniature WIP for our featured hero, Greg. (not part of this campaign, but something exciting we are working on that we want to share with you =D )
Miniature WIP for our featured hero, Greg. (not part of this campaign, but something exciting we are working on that we want to share with you =D )